Worldwide Customer Service

Production losses due to technical faults are critical and demand the highest priority. To ensure the availability of our customers' production facilities, we provide a range of customer satisfaction services, also known as PIA's Customer Service (CS). Our service employees are in active contact with customers to either preventively keep equipment in top condition or to act quickly with solution-oriented mindsets in the event of disturbances. Although PIA's classic service products are very reliable and function properly, they are continually being optimized. In the field of "Digital Service" PIA uses the self-developed smart I4.0 solutions. More about this is described further by Ralph Schuessling (Director Group Customer Service).
What does PIA mean by CS?
PIA's focus on CS is clearly about customer satisfaction, not simply about being a point of contact for problems. PIA’s CS works to actively keep equipment in top condition and to respond quickly and with transparently in the event of disturbances.
Why is CS so critical?
Because „service“ is more than a „sale.“ For PIA this mindset runs parallel to the project. Changes in processes allow us to make the benefits of our service products available to our customers as soon as the system is taken over internally. The focus is always on the benefits of each service product, everything else results from it.
What is PIA's Service-USP?
Point 1: The global presence of PIA. The proximity of an installed system is a key success factor for optimal service. The motto is: local for local! The transfer of knowledge is achieved by integrating our service personnel during the installation and commissioning of our production systems.
Point 2: Digital Services. Our I4.0 products with associated services are unique. For the most part, these were developed in order to know exactly where in the plant optimizations are possible. Most highly complex systems can therefore be independently monitored and analyzed.

Ralph Schuessling (Group Customer Service)
"The proximity to the installed system is a key success factor for optimal PIA service."
Which service models are available at PIA?
Although our classic service products such as spare parts management, maintenance and our hotline are already well-developed, we never tire of optimizing them further. With positive customer feedback we learn through projects and see great potential in areas such as conversions, optimizations or relocations. Here we can make the most of our CS and achieve reduced throughput times. Within our Digital Services, we use our I4.0 products to increase the effectiveness (OEE) of customer systems. One of these tools is piaOptimum, which identifies bottlenecks in complexly linked assembly systems and derives corresponding optimization measures.
Which tools should be available in the future?
Keywords such as "preventive" and "predictive" are not empty phrases at PIA. Pilot plants are already equipped with appropriate software knowing that market maturity is not a long time off.
Different customers and different requirements, how does PIA manage these challenges?
The needs and expectations of our clients vary and are highly dependent on industry and location. Our goal is to provide optimal PIA service to all of our customers from all PIA locations. In doing so, we adapt our service to perfectly fit the requirments of our customers. Customer service at PIA is a top priority because we understand CS is not a one size fits all product.