PIA debuts new brand identity

At first glance, the new brand identity was recognizable by a new, fresh design - and the slogan "creating efficiency". "For us, however, creating efficiency is much more than just a corporate slogan: It is the promise to our customers that we not only meet their individual requirements with creative and smart automation solutions, but also set new standards in efficiency and cost-effectiveness," says Co-CEO Thomas Ernst.
After all, PIA Automation's customers from the mobility, industrial and consumer goods, and health care sectors operate in very dynamic markets that are subject to constant change. Megatrends such as digitalization or the trend towards sustainable production solutions have a massive influence on the investment decisions of well-known players. PIA Automation has positioned itself as a partner with extensive knowledge of future challenges and with the corresponding solution expertise.
Creating efficiency – this is what PIA stands for today
"As a globally networked company, we know exactly what the requirements in our markets are and develop solutions that are geared to them, making production success reliably plannable for our customers - whether through the high flexibility of our modular production systems or through our globally agile service readiness," says Thomas Ernst. For example, PIA is currently pushing ahead with its activities for the use of digital resources in the transformation to Industry 4.0 standards as well as setting development priorities in manufacturing processes for components for electric drives, driver information and control systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. With 12 locations worldwide, PIA is always close to its customers.
First major appearance at automatica
The new brand presence became visible to the general public for the first time at the automatica trade fair, which took place in Munich from June 21 to 24, 2022. PIA presented the latest automation concepts there - from transport systems to smart software applications. The PIA meditec® process module with a robot application and the PIAAMR®, a mobile workpiece carrier and workstation in one, were among the exhibits in the area of plant technology. "The response from customers and visitors to our trade fair booth was more than positive," concludes Thomas Ernst. "This has once again confirmed that with the new direction PIA takes, we are ideally positioned for the future."
Moving forward, PIA’s new image will also present on social media, in brochures and on the website.