Formula Student reloaded

As the global Powertrain Competence Center of the PIA Group, PIA Austria has been supporting the team joanneum racing graz for several years.
The Corona pandemic also had an impact on the "Formula Student": All competitions in 2020 have been cancelled. But the "Weasels" used the past year as an optimal preparation time for the next season. They get support from the production team of PIA Austria. Special parts, such as wheel suspension, stabilizers and brake caliper mounts, were produced for the racing car. “PIA Austria supports the student racing team because we want to help young talents realize their mobility ideas", reports Nikolaus Szlavik, Managing Director of PIA Austria. 2022 will be particularly exciting, as the student team will be competing with an electric vehicle.

Nikolaus Szlavik (PIA Automation Austria)
"We support young talents in realizing their mobility ideas."
Photos © joanneum racing