PIA donates face masks

The centre of the corona pandemic has shifted from China to Europe and North America. Operations at the Chinese PIA sites are back to normal mode. To ensure that the other branches can also survive the crisis in the best possible way, PIA China is supporting them by supplying them with face masks. PIA Bad Neustadt donated a part of it to the Rhoen-Grabfeld region.
As the outbreak of the corona virus in China led to a shortage of face masks, PIA Ningbo purchased two shut-down production lines at the beginning of February to convert them into fully automated lines for the production of masks. With a production volume of up to 200,000 units per day, they are now making a significant contribution to improving urgently needed medical care - not only in China, but also within the PIA network.
The PIA China team has shipped 50,000 face masks produced by their own machines to Europe and North America. These masks are intended to help ensure that production at PIA's sites can continue in compliance with all health and safety measures.

Some of the protective masks have also been donated to local institutions, such as at the Bad Neustadt site where around 4,000 masks were handed over to the District Office in Bad Neustadt for distribution. It is especially the people in the health care system who are currently facing very high demands and as a local company, the management of PIA Bad Neustadt is pleased to be able to contribute to the support of the Rhoen-Grabfeld region.

Swen Weyrauch, Managing Director of PIA Bad Neustadt, hands over face masks to Stefan Schmoeger, District Fire Commissioner (from left to right).