Meeting of the QM experts

On December 10, the event "Exchange of experience in quality management in mechanical and plant engineering" took place at PIA Austria in Grambach. Around 30 entrepreneurs from Austria and Germany took part in this event, organized by the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA).
The event started with Georg Priesner, Head of the VDMA Austria office, with a presentation of the association. Following the company presentation by PIA Austria Managing Director Nikolaus Szlavik, Frank Bünting reported on the wide-ranging QM activities of the VDMA and Wolfgang Schwarz on the development of an integrated management system and further development of the QM system at PIA Austria. In the second part of the event, the production at the Grambach site was visited - real and virtual. Mr. Bünting then presented the VDMA self-check tool "Fit for Quality".