Customized tray and palletizer platforms for medical technology
Based on decades of experience and numerous in-house designs for demanding handling tasks, PIA now offers individually configurable tray and palletizer platforms as stand-alone automation solutions for medical technology. They can be used in the feeding as well as in the removal and are designed GMP-compliant. PIA also takes care of the required documentation and validation.
GMP ("Good Manufacturing Practice") stands for good manufacturing practice for medicinal products and similar items. Suppliers of medical products must prove such manufacturing procedures for their products. A GMP-compliant machine has three separate areas: The product level, the drive level with the motors, and the control and monitoring level.
It is also crucial that the machine is easy to clean and that all materials used are rust-free. Typically, stainless steel, anodized aluminum or plastics are used. It is easier to ensure GMP compliance of a final product if the standards are already demonstrably met throughout the production process.
The components that PIA uses are tailored to the requirements of medical technology. This has resulted in a stand-alone automation solution that can be used in the industry without compromise and supports the often labor-intensive manual processes.
No matter what type of trays and pallets are used by the respective customer: It is always a process of feeding products into a machine, moving them automatically (for example into sales packaging) and handling them at the end of the process (such as stacking them on pallets for shipping). If enough trays are available, an automatic feeder combined with a logistics unit for transporting the empty trays can easily supply an entire shift. Here, PIA's experience solves the highly individual handling tasks of a demanding industry and moves delicate gears, fragile ampoules or even pourable starting products automatically and safely to the next processing steps.
Frank Sablinski, Head of Medical bei PIA Automation
"The requirements for a machine for medical technology products are high for good reason. Our customers can rely on getting GMP-compliant handling units and the necessary validation from us - individually adapted to their specific task and implemented with the PIA know-how from decades of experience."